Melt the coconut butter and coconut oil over low heat
Once they have completely liquified, add in the vanilla and peppermint extract (note, the alcohol must cook off to make this AIP compliant, so the oil mixture will need to hit 172 degrees for that to happen)
Using a whisk, slowly pour in the carob powder and quickly whisk it into the mixture until it's completely mixed in
If using, add the honey at this time
Remove the ingredients from the heat and pour them into a 5x5 inch pan (I use a tupperware)
Place in the freezer immediately and let cool for 1 hour
Once fully cooled, turn the dish upside down on a cutting board to get the fudge out (you may need to tap a couple times)
Next, slice the fudge up into squares. This is easier to cut if you let it get back to room temperature, but if you don't ind lopsided pieces cut away! It won't interfere with the taste ;)