

Paleo Brownies

I'm Whitney!

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Transformational Mindset Coach here to help you get to the physical and emotional root causes of chronic health issues.

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Today I had the kind of morning I dream about all year long. We woke up to a blanket of snow on the ground, stayed tucked under the warmth of our blankets for longer than we normally do, and just enjoyed the slowness of things. Winter feels like permission to face the day unhurried.

My husband and I haven’t had a lot of quality time together over the past month. Both of us felt oddly checked out of our relationship because we have so much going on in our individual lives. He’s busy working his ass off for arguably one of the coolest architecture firms in Colorado and I’m over here completely distracted by my second love, Rooted in Healing. In our attempt to excel in our careers we were forgetting to spend time nourishing our relationship. It’s so easy to “be” together without actually engaging with one another. At this busy time in our lives we realize that our relationship is going to take a little bit more effort and we’re 100% okay with that.

We see highlight reels of other people’s relationships on Instagram and fill in the blank of how glorious their love must be. Then there’s impractical examples of romance in movies, both of which can make us feel like our relationships are wrong, inadequate, or “not working.” What I’ve learned is that sometimes you feel like you have the romance movie love and other times you feel like you’re just kind of existing next to each other… but most of the time you’ll find your love somewhere in-between those places. Relationships, like everything in life, ebb and flow.

But you’re not here for my thoughts on relationships, right? You came to this space for a gosh darn brownie recipe and that’s what you’re going to get! I actually made these a long time ago and forgot to even post or blog about them. Face —> Palm. You guys are going to love them.


1/2 cup cassava flour

1/4 tsp baking soda

2 solid shakes of sea salt

1 tbsp Great Lakes gelatin

1/3 cup cocoa powder

1/8 cup coconut butter

1/3 cup almond butter

1/4 cup maple syrup

1/3 cup pumpkin puree

1/4 tsp ACV

2 tsp vanilla

3 tbsp water


  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees

  • Sift dry ingredients together in a bowl

  • In a separate bowl combine wet ingredients with a hand mixer or kitchen aid

  • Slowly pour the dry ingredients in with wet while mixing slowly

  • Pour into an 8×8 pan

  • Bake for 25 minutes

  • Sprinkle with cinnamon and cocoa

OPTIONAL: For extra ooey-gooey brownies consider adding chocolate chunks to the batter!

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Hi, I'm Whitney. Your Holistic Nutritionist and Hashimoto's BFF

Whitney knows what it's like to suffer from crippling fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, and to feel like there's no hope. As a certified holistic Nutritional Therapist, she has helped thousands of people with thyroid disease reverse their symptoms naturally, and she's sharing her root cause approach with you for free! 

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