
Self care

How to live from authenticity instead of domestication

I'm Whitney!

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Transformational Mindset Coach here to help you get to the physical and emotional root causes of chronic health issues.

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How to live from authenticity instead of domestication?

Start listening to your inner voice. What is she telling you? That little twinge in your heart or the dreams of a different life? It’s her trying to tell you there’s a better path for you. Honor her. Trust her. Tune into her. She knows what you’re capable of.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve avoided taking next steps in my life because I wanted other people to validate my choices before I made them. I yearned for acceptance from people and in trying to accomplish that, I ignored my truths. It wasn’t until I started asking myself what I really wanted, instead of others, that my life began to unfold in this beautiful, magical way.

A problem we face when it comes to tuning in is that we’ve been taught not to trust ourselves. We all grew up in a system that says conform or suffer. Women, especially, have been conditioned to ignore our needs in order to meet those of everyone around us… so we stay in the job we hate, go to the party when we’re exhausted, we eat the food that doesn’t serve us, we say yes to covering a shift because we don’t want so and so to be mad at us.

Not any more, my friends. It’s time to start listening to your yes and your no. Tune in and tune the others out. Honor your inner voice and watch the magic unfold. The more often you honor her, the louder she gets.. and the better your life becomes.

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Hi, I'm Whitney. Your Holistic Nutritionist and Hashimoto's BFF

Whitney knows what it's like to suffer from crippling fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, and to feel like there's no hope. As a certified holistic Nutritional Therapist, she has helped thousands of people with thyroid disease reverse their symptoms naturally, and she's sharing her root cause approach with you for free! 

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This training will help you identify likelihood for hashimotos, give you the labs to ask your doctor for, functional lab ranges to compare to, and information on how to feel better. 

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