What is Autoimmune Paleo Diet?
The Autoimmune Protocol is a specialized diet with a focus on nutrient density. The elimination list removes inflammatory foods often avoided on a standard paleo diet, but goes a step further to remove ones that have compounds that may stimulate the immune system or harm the gut, including nightshades (like tomatoes and peppers), eggs, nuts, seeds, and alcohol.
The difference between this diet and many others that it is focused on providing your body with the nutritional resources required for your immune system to regulate and your tissues to begin healing.
The beauty of AIP is that you do not need to be on the diet forever. After an elimination period of roughly 90 days, you begin to reintroduce the foods that have been eliminated and pay attention to how your body is responding.
Why is paleo good for autoimmune?
The Autoimmune Paleo Diet is very effective at reducing systemic inflammation (which is present in all disease) and reversing autoimmune diseases (like hashimotos). While the protocol is relatively new and still in its infancy, recent studies point toward AIP as a healing modality for those with inflammatory bowel disease and hashimotos.
Whitney, our founder, reversed her hashimoto thyroiditis and alopecia aerata using the autoimmune paleo diet, and many of our clients have had success in reversing other autoimmune diseases & inflammatory syndromes like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, MS, endometriosis, PCOS, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and much more utilizing the diet.
Is Autoimmune Paleo right for everyone?
The Autoimmune Paleo Protocol has helped many people lessen their symptoms and even reverse their health issues including those with:
Hashimotos & Graves disease
Crohn’s Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Sjögren Syndrome
If you have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease or are experiencing mystery symptoms no doctor can diagnose, this diet can be incredibly healing. It’s suitable for anyone struggling with health issues to try, with one exception.
I do not believe people who struggle with eating disorders should be on the autoimmune paleo diet unless they are working 1:1 with someone or inside our Mindful AIP program, which focuses on healing your relationship with food as you move through the program.
Folks with a history of disordered eating can feel easily triggered when they are focusing a lot on foods being appropriate or inappropriate for healing. Regardless of whether you work with our program, make sure you seek help if you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or out of control at any point around food.
(find the recipe for this AIP Snack Mix here)
Is the Autoimmune Paleo Diet good for weight loss?
Weight loss is a common side effect of the AIP diet. If your goal is strictly to lose weight, this diet is unnecessarily restrictive.
Autoimmune paleo vs paleo?
The autoimmune paleo diet is similar in that it removes all the foods that are removed in a paleo and Whole 30 diet (aside from unprocessed sugar for those familiar with Whole 30). It also takes things a step further and removes other foods that can drive up the immune system and stimulate inflammation.
(get the recipe for AIP Pumpkin Pudding here)
What can I eat on Autoimmune Paleo?
Grass fed and pasture raised meat
Wild caught seafood
All vegetables (besides nightshades)
All fruit
Probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut, kombucha, and coconut kefir
Bone broth
Healthy fats like olive oil, lard, avocado oil, and coconut oil
Autoimmune paleo foods to avoid
Gluten & grains
Seed & berry spices
Processed sugars
I’m feeling overwhelmed. Where do I start?
If you’re looking for more support in transitioning to the Autoimmune Paleo Diet, consider joining our Mindful AIP program.
Here’s just a brief summary of what Mindful AIP includes:
⭐ Live and recorded trainings teaching you how to heal autoimmune disease through diet & lifestyle changes, in a way that’s intuitive and helps you practice self compassion.
⭐ Step-by-step guides to figure out exactly which foods trigger autoimmune disease & digestion flares.
⭐ 21 days of AIP meal plans, plus meal planning templates and instructions that empower you to create your own.
⭐ Accountability and regular support as you navigate healing in the form of monthly community coaching calls led by holistic nutritionists.
⭐ A year of access to the content, community slack membership, and continuing education.
⭐ Gentle exercise videos to use when you’re ready to incorporate movement back into your life (led by Pooja Virani, Pain-Free Movement Specialist).
⭐ Guided meditations to support you in calming anxiety around food and illness.
If you have questions about our program, feel free to reach out to our team on Instagram or by email (whitney@rootedinhealing.net) with any questions.
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